"Tune My Heart To Sing Your Grace". On the morning of my 68th birthday, as I was in the midst of my quiet time (this is a regular practice of mine), this phrase popped up in my mind. It is a line from a favorite song I had heard since I was a child. As I thought about those words, I sensed I was to pray this for myself over the next year. Well, it’s been several years since then, and I continue to pray this. Additional lines were added over time and this has become what I call my Tuning Prayer: Tune my heart to sing Your Grace, Tune my spirit to the music of heaven, Tune my mind to hear Your Voice, Tune my soul to wait on You, Tune my being by the turn of Your Hand. The last line of this prayer, “Tune my being by the turn of Your Hand,” is a word picture of someone tuning their stringed instrument such as a violin or guitar. They turn the tuning peg, pluck the string, turn the peg, pluck the string, until the string is in tune. This is what I see God doing in my life when I pray this “Tuning Prayer.” He’s tuning my life to become increasingly in tune with Him. And, this brings me to the name i decided on for my creative outlet: Tuned Art Mixed Media. I want my art, what i create, to be in tune with God’s created world.